EN002 End of one, beginning of another.

Iceland Alive Audio Newsletter
Iceland Alive Audio Newsletter
EN002 End of one, beginning of another.

2023 has been a good year for our family.

Kolbrun is on her final stretch of master of music teaching. She will graduate next spring by the grace of God.

Margret has finished 5 of 8 semesters at Lipscomb University in Nashville. Her goal is to double major in both social work and philosophy.

John started DTS with YWAM in Skien in Norway last fall. He is in a good group of students and doing well.

David is focused on making and publishing music. He is now finishing a 15 song album which will be published on Spotify early next year.

Late October I decided to resign from my software job with the goal to focus on ministry. There are exciting possibilities there and I am very much looking forward to 2024!

God sent his son, Jesus, into this world for each and every one of us. He loves me, he loves you. Today we all have a chance to turn to him, trust in him and then continue to choose him every day.

My family and I wish you all, friends and family, near and far, Merry Christmas and a happy new year. Much grace, Agust

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