EN004 Step by step

Iceland Alive Audio Newsletter
Iceland Alive Audio Newsletter
EN004 Step by step

Iceland Alive Newsletter March 2024

I’ve started building the support network. It is going well, I’m at over 45% of the monthly goal. Encouraging!

Thank you so much those of you who have joined the support team recently. There is a good group of you receiving this newsletter for the first time.

The focus now is to continue building the support network and finish it. If God has called me into this (which I believe he has), than he has prepared the needed support. My job is to be faithful in what I need to do and trust him for the rest.

Prayer requests

  • I need strategy, diligence and faith to build the support team. It is going well but there is much work ahead to reach the goal. Prayer is much appreciated!
  • John – he is now on a mission trip in Montenegro, Bosnia and Serbia with a group of 98 from Norway (see picture below). Pray for health and growth in his life through this good trip. The trip is part of the DTS with YWAM that John has been on since last fall. He will graduate and come back to Iceland late April.
  • Kolbrun is working on her final project in her masters program in music teaching at Iceland University of the Arts. Her due date is mid April and she needs prayer!
  • As shared before, the goal is to give young people in Iceland a chance to hear the gospel. There will be online ministry but also on the ground ministry. I am already praying for an opening or approach on the ground – please join me in that. There are some good ideas already in place to explore.
  • March 22 – 24 I will be in Akureyri North Iceland to preach and share about the ministry, inviting people to join the support team. Prayer appreciated!

Praise reports

  • My mom has been in the hospital since late January. It looked like she was not going to make it at first but by the grace of God she is better now. Today she received a place at a nursing home which is a big answer to prayer.
  • Since 2020 most of my ministry has been with Every Nation Europe Evangelism, with the goal of increasing the number of full time evangelists in Europe. Now I have stepped out of leadership there to focus on Iceland. I had to put a few projects into the hands of other, that has gone well which is a significant praise report. An evangelism summit is being prepared in Tampere, Finland for November this year which I am excited about!
  • www.icelandalive.com front page has been updated – I got some good feedback from a few people, very thankful!

If you want to help now to move up the percentage above you can click here.
Thank you all of you who are standing with me in prayer and support!

John in Montenegro – picture taken late February 2024.

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